25 November 2007

Mintak Pizza Masa Rusuhan

Tadi pagi, malas nak keluar ke gim fasal segelintir (1,000-1,500) masyarakat India Malaysia tidak puas hati dengan Britain/Malaysia(?) menangani hak mereka. Nampak mereka berkawat dari luar rumah, menuju ke City Plaza (dulu Yow Han Plaza, ya, tempat best nak k-oke). Nasib baik pihak berkuasa ada, rasa selamat sikit.
Telefon Domino's untuk pizza. Penghantar pizza datang lambat, "Masih Jam lah", dia jawab. Dapat kupon pizza percuma untuk dipakai. Moral: Kalau 'riot' berlaku di kawasan kejiranan anda, hubungi Domino's. Bukan sahaja anda akan menyebabkan nyawa penghantar pizza anda "at stake" tetapi anda akan dapat kupon pizza free. The clash of democracy and capitalism couldn't be better than this.


Anonymous said...

Awak ni kelakarlah.

from: http://teekayandteb.blogspot.com/

A win-win solution, at no cost to us

Overheard a talk about Indians wanting to sue the UK government for bringing them into Malaysia back in the 1850s. If the consequence of this is to have them deported back, then I'm all for it. I mean, if they are unhappy, then they deserve to get what they deserve. So, I'm hopeful that the settlement will not only make them richer, but also move them back to where they belong. Of course some reform will have to take place before we let them go, like land or asset reform to redistribute their wealth in this country, and also to protect them by not letting them come back here. We dont want them to suffer again if we allow them back, do we? They will also need to sign disclaimers on behalf of their descendents. Just as a precaution to make sure their future kids and grandkids will not sue us for sending them back. We dont want another demo 150 years down the road.

Life will be more peaceful - Indians will get what they deserve and move back to their beloved country, all at the expense of the Brits who will pay for damages done. I truely support this demo.

Anonymous said...

It is City SQUARE. The other attached complex, Plaza Ampang (it was Yow CHUAN Plaza). A great place to buy toys (Toy R Us) & pirated DVDs (that counter at Ground Floor between City Square & Plaza Ampang). And the best mediterannean restaurant Porto Romano!

hEr namE is diEla said...

How come u saying like that!
I couldnt agree with you. Orang British masa tu bawa Indians ke Tanah Melayu,walaupun pada dasarnya mereka bekerja di ladang-ladang tetapi mereka tetap mendapat upah & boleh hidup seperti orang lain jugak. Tunku Abdul Rahman memerdekakan Tanah Melayu & sekaligus memerdekakan mereka jugak. Kenapa mereka masih tidak sedar hakikat itu?

Sekarang ni pun, apa lagi yang mereka tidak puas hati? Hidup di negara yang aman. Negara yang maju, kalau nak compare dgn India pendapatannya yang banyak bergantung pada industri filem sahaja, Malaysia jauh lebih bagis dari itu. Kalau Indians ni nak sangat balik negara dia, dipersilakan. Mereka sebenarnya yang tidak reti nak menghargai itu semua. Walaupun dia bukan bumiputra, tetapi mereka tetap mendapat banyak keistimewaan. Pelajaran, pekerjaan, tempat tinggal, peluang berniaga. Apa lagi yang mereka nak sebenarnya??!!

Saya memang sangat-sangat tidak bersetuju dengan mereka!!

fadz said...

dila, u didnt get me then...

azwan, thx..

anon, erkk...

hEr namE is diEla said...

I bukan bercakap fasal u la..
I cakap fasal~anonymous~

fadz said...

dila, si anon tu menyindir... you have to learn read between the lines..

hEr namE is diEla said...


kekure said...

emonyer pembaca blog nie hahahaha...
azwan,bila nak belanja aku makan kat porto romano?
best jugak kalau sealalu demo..it's democracy malaysian style..c'est la vie

fadz said...

long time no see friend!!!

anw, my recent updates i dump masuk Perca2 bulan November jerk..malas nak update.. huhu

Unknown said...

go to the east coast and talk to the poor heartland melayus. i went during bulan ramadan and interviewed them. ok, no need to go so far. go to ampang and talk to the poor indians. jangan hanya duduk on our ivory bumi towers and say these people are ungrateful. find out what they're unhappy about. orang tak memberontak, risking life and limb, just for fun. when you have constant severe headaches and nausea, you find out what the symptoms mean. you don't just call your head ungrateful.

Anonymous said...

isk isk isk teringin pizza domino's la pulak!

Anonymous said...

kak min, semua tu boleh dibuat, tapi CARANYA yang saya tak suka. Apa, nak bawak lagi satu Bastille ke di KL..? (viva revolution segala tu).

anon, hehe, jom!